Pipeline Services

Pipeline Services

CPNZ work on pipeline right from concept till they are abandoned

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Pipeline Services

From Pipeline design, CP Design and CP Equipment, to Monitoring, Trouble-Shooting and Coating Condition Surveys - CPNZ work on pipeline right from concept until they are abandoned.

Pipeline design

With CPNZ extensive coatings experience, we know the peculiarities of each coating type. We can also provide advice to the pipeline designer.

Coating choice


• Excellent and very robust coating

• Pipelines can be installed almost defect-free with good quality control of the field joints

• Often minimal current is required

• The First lay can have application problems

• It needs extra abrasion when coating welds

• Can corrode under the FBE if stored long term outside

• Purchasing pipe can be complicated as it has to come from overseas and they don't do short runs

Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE)

• Good coating designed to have no shielding

• Quality is application dependant

• Vulnerable to impact damage

• Purchasing pipe can be complicated as it has to come from overseas and they don't do short runs

Liquid coatings

• Quality is application dependant; purchaser inspection is very important

• Ideal for short length of pipe

• Ideal for unusual shapes

Tape coatings

• Quality is application dependant; purchaser inspection is very important

• Ideal for a short length of pipe

• Ideal for unusual shapes

• Coat Tar enamel often has an Asbestos paper outer layer, to available now

Pipeline route

• Is Direction drilling required? This has specific acceptance requirements.

• Cased crossing – Best to avoid if possible

• Soil or water resistivity CPNZ can conduct tests to determine how corrosive the environment

• Anode bed locations

• Land and water interfaces and their different CP requirements.

• Interference for other systems

• Interference from DC trains

• AC on the pipeline

• Test point locations

CP Design

This is done in accordance with the AS2832 suite of standards.

NACE standards are also referred to.

CPNZ use a Soil ResistivityMeter to determine to survey soil conditions along the route


CP equipment

CPNZ use items with a proven history of longterm reliability. As our team monitor and maintain pipelines, we know what is reliable and what is prone to failure.

• CPNZ can provide a Range of Anodes to provide Client cost effect CP

• CP rectifiers

• Exothermic Welding gear to enable long-term low resistance cable connections are made to structures.

Monitoring and Trouble-shooting

CPNZ utilizes the latest equipment for testing pipelines. This includes the use of an MC Millar multimeter, which is specifically engineered for CP potential readings. Additionally, data loggers are employed to ensure that the system is functioning properly 24/7. CPNZ also utilizes CIPS (Close Interval Potential Survey) to pinpoint areas of low potential.

Coating condition surveys

The use of DCVG allows CPNZ to locate coating defects due to third party strike damaging the coating or worse, while ACVG is utilized for the same purpose, the ACVG provides more accurate results in high resistivity. By combining CIPS, ACVG, and DCVG, CPNZ is able to provide valuable information for the NACE direct assessment standard.


CPNZ has the Latest Current Mapper, a Radio Detection PCM-X, this allows CPNZ to:

• efficiently identify CP current flowing from one pipe to another,

• Identify if CP current is flowing to electrical earth

• Identify electrical shorts to another structure, i.e. a motorway support.

• Identify faulty isolation joints.

• Identify high resistant joints, i.e., valves.

• Perform ACVG coating defect surveys


Swain clamps 4" and 14" swain clamps To enable CP current readings to be taken. Also, to prove or disprove isolation points.

DCVG defect excavations:

• Pipe laid close to rock which over time has cause direct contact between the rock and the pipe damaging the coating. Excavator damage to the pipe, causing mechanical damage. Identified by a DCVG survey

CPNZ can also provide:

• Designing signage in accordance with AS2885 to reduce the chance of third party damage to pipeline.

• Services to locate pipelines and map them by working alongside surveyors.

• Supply of VGP (rapid response clamps) emergency response clamps.